Saturday 15 May 2010

Always Love

There's only three weeks left until I leave this place. It seems pretty set that I'll be on my way to Sweden in the near future. The main worry is money, and while that does play on my mind from time to time, I'll shut it off and just go for it anyway.

There's nothing new to report (hence the apathy and lack of update). It's just been a constant cycle of work, drink, and yearning to leave. Although, I have to say that having a solid friend base here has kept me sane. Both in work and out of work people have been fantastic and it's such a shame that we're only starting to get close as I leave.

As for work itself I'm definitely, well-and-truly over it. With the bringing in of a new manager, increasing pressure from the top and simply knowing that I won't be there anyway soon - I've just lost all interest. I'm sorry Puma but you used to cool and now you're just fucking over the only people that actually care. Well done. Good job everyone. I just wish I had more pictures of you all and the laughs we’ve shared.

It's easier said than done but I'll be enjoying the last three weeks here. There's Norway celebrations to be had, an exhibition of Titanic, a last hurrah on the 5th, and anything else that comes my way. Here are a compilation of goings on over the last month, in no particular order, not particularly flattering, and full of the usual culprits.

I'll meet real, honest people and have a good time wherever I end up. I promise.

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