Wednesday 14 October 2009

Aw Yeah

There have been a couple of amazing nights out here over the last two weeks. Most nights out here have so far have been pretty average; enjoyable in their own way but occasionally I’m used to a manic, bender of a night, something that I’ve been missing. The first of these was a week last Monday. Sach and Kate had booked a room in the city for their own romantic evening. That afternoon they came into work to see me where I informed them of my day-off the next day. As soon as I uttered these words it was game-over: the framework was set in place and if all went well a messy, manic, drinking-bender of a night was to ensue - this was to prove the case! We met up in the city later on and hit some bars for a few casual beers. The problem was that it was TOO casual. It got to about 1am (fairly late by most peoples’ standards) and after wandering around looking for any essence of a watering-hole, we realised it was a Monday night. ‘Shit, why don’t more people want to drink on a Monday night!?’. Kate’s answer, and indeed Melbourne’s answer to this crisis was the Crown Casino! Woooo! The casino is the biggest in Australasia, and, like many casinos, pretty much as you would imagine: gambling, drinking and flashing lights. The casino floor is crazy - it was just what our night needed. I’m not a gambler myself so I didn’t bother, but the very nature of the casino means that you lose all track of time. With drinks offers on mojitos, martinis, cocktails and nothing to do but die the next day, it proved to be the craziest night I’ve had since I left home. Fantastic.

looking progressively worse as the night wore on.

The second of these nights was on Saturday. It was our work’s night out. We had accumulated a little over $1000 over the previous few weeks from making and exceeding our sales target. For a quite a while we’d debating what to do with the money. We were originally planning to go on a boat cruise on the Yarra river with some ‘fine dining’ to go along with it - free booze and an unlimited bar tab of all kinds of magical, boozey treasure, enough to give yourself a haemorrhage. This, unfortunately, didn’t work out as the waiting-list was too long so we opted to keep the fine-dining and free booze. We went to a fancy Italian restaurant with a 6 course meal (most of what I can’t remember). The night was amazing from start to finish, but I’m especially proud of having five different alcoholic beverages on the table at the same time. The one downside to the night - I had work the next morning…ouch.

In other news - I’ve taken to the idea of writing some fiction even more. My housemate Ken has put me on to a quarterly-issued young writers’ journal called ‘Voiceworks’ where - hopefully - I may be able to get published. I think the prospect of having something to write for, or at least something in mind is good encouragement to start. I’ve had a few ideas floating around up there for a while but I’ve never really put anything down on paper. I’ve jotted down a few, scattered words and ideas so hopefully I can pluck-up the nerve (and have the ability) to put something worthwhile together.

Last weekend was a little crazy to say the least. It was Leon’s birthday on Friday and it’s been a good chance to have a back-to-back piss-up into the early hours. We’ve jammed in the basement, accosted the neighbours into an impromptu street party and drank everything that’s come our way. OH, and we’ve also got a cat. She’s called ‘Fugee’ and has come to us via Ken’s friend who needed to pass her onto a nice home.
The cat; me doing...something.

The prospect of getting out of Melbourne and actually seeing Australia is growing ever nearer. Papa Medby is coming over this month and we’re definitely going travelling with him. Me and Ingrid are also going to get out of the city to the west coast for a while when she finishes in November. It’s something we’ve been discussing for a while, but only recently it’s come to my attention that it WILL happen. I’m excited at the prospect of putting on my backpack, dragging along my girlfriend and going on a drunken adventure. The way it’s worked out means that I finish work in next week. It all happened quite fast (over the course of a day or two) when I realised that my availability will suffer due to travelling. I’ve decided that it’s the right choice to make - I came here to be with Ingrid and to travel; and besides, there will always be other jobs (I hope!). I’ve worked there for three months and feel that now the opportunity to travel has come, it’s time to take it. Thanks to all the guys and gals at Miss Sixty: they’re all fantastic individuals who really have made my time here so much better and more enjoyable than I had initially thought was possible. I’ve made some great friends there, as I always hope to do along the way and I’m sure this won’t be the last we’ll see of each other.
P.S. It’s my birthday this Friday.
Reading: Peter Handke, ‘Short Letter, Long Farewell’.
William Burroughs, ‘Naked Lunch’.
Various history books :)

Writing: short stories.

Listening: ‘The Grates’ - absolutely fantastic.

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