Monday 5 April 2010

Here We Go Again

Life has been pretty party as of late. There have been a lot of late nights (well, early mornings) scattered between days off from work and reaching it's peak over the Easter weekend. I signed my full-time contract last week and as the store was shut over two days I got four days off over Wednesday to Sunday. Because my contract stipulates that they have to guarantee me 38 hours a week over five days, with two days off on the roster, last week I worked three days and got paid for five - preeeetty sweet. It feels good to get back to my natural party/reckless state every now and again; culminating in an Adam-style drinking bender (as most of us are familiar with). Seeing as this hasn't been done since I left England it was about time. If you can't do it when you're young, then you never will. Here are some pictures of the house-party we had for Ken’s birthday on Saturday. Luckily enough for me, no pictures have survived from the other nights.

We made a shit-load of Sangria. It made Ken pretty happy.
God I love that shirt.
Never skateboard, never learn.
Gabby and Jules.
It was great to see my mate Arun over who I met backpacking three years ago!
On a completely different note, I'm thinking of moving to Sweden. It just seems like a great idea. I don't really know what I want to do but learn a language and I'm dead certain I don't want to live in the UK. It seems random and crazy but, really considering it, I don't think it is. What better opportunity does anyone have to move to a foreign country when it's somewhat familiar, you have a real passion for it, and even to have friends there. The only problems are the practicalities. The language barrier isn't so bad but logistically how easy would it be to get a job without speaking the native tongue? I'm considering a lot and I don't want it to just be a pipe-dream. I think my best bet is to get into uni and somehow get funding to study and learn Swedish alongside. I'm already looking into it but the real issue is money, it's always about the fucking money.

Reading: Bill Bryson - Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe.
Listening: The Hives - Your New Favourite Band
Death from Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine.